Tuesday, April 10, 2007


Reporter Herald article ...

well, the article came out yesterday and i was pretty happy about it. i am glad to have used up some of my warhol-minutes on something positive. it was really funny to see my picture on the front page. i wasn't a front page article, but i was on the header as a preview to my article inside [page 3!!] it was almost a half page with one big picture and one smaller picture. a bunch of people that know me from other things were really surprised to see me in the article.... and others were given links to the article [by me].

funny... but i've been waiting 8 years for an article to be printed about me.... finally!

i think i am going to unicycle more this year... i feel inspired :)

Sunday, April 08, 2007

almost famous

well... tomorrow is the big day. i get to see the new paper article about me and my mountain unicycling. last week i got a call from some lady that worked for the local paper. she had seen the website about the mountain unicyclist down in moab, and was curious if loveland had anyone participating. anyway she found me and we met up last wednesday along with her photographer. it went pretty well from my point of view. i got to tell her everything about unicycling, and every story that i ever encountered while unicycling. i think they got some really good shots of me doing some pretty cool stuff... but we'll see.

i really can't wait to see the article, but i know that i will probably be disappointed. that's why i wanted to write about it now, so i can still have some optimism.

good or bad, i will share the link tomorrow.